Between Lives


The challenge

UNHCR (the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), is a specialised agency of the United Nations and dedicated to protecting and supporting refugees and displaced persons around the world.

It came to us with a challenge – to reinvigorate its online Between Lives documentary series aimed at engaging regular giving donors. Now entering its third series, the plan was to take Between Lives in a bold new direction – focusing on a ‘talent show’… Casa Talentos… for young refugee people from Venezuela. Our task? To create the digital ecosystem which would bring it all to life. Detailed landing pages to host each video and emails to drive people there, but also engagement points to deepen the narrative and bring the young people’s art to the fore. In short, to use our expertise to optimise the donor’s experience… encouraging them to discover more about the issues and their support in action… with the ultimate objective of retaining them as donors.

The solution

We created the whole digital ecosystem from scratch – from the structure/wire framing of the digital assets to the ‘look’ of the communications to those points of supporter interaction.

A suite of landing pages to host the videos and encourage dwell time through further interaction points.

Each landing page was tailored to the contestant(s) we were focusing on for that month’s video – building up episodically rather than ‘binge-watchbly’. What was key was that all the content – whether serious or more fun – was building the bigger picture… about the Venezuelan refugee crisis… what people have had to leave behind… their culture, loved ones and ‘security’… how they are rebuilding their lives now… and the importance of regular donations to support this.

A suite of emails that would drive people to the landing pages through multiple sign-posting.

This campaign was very different to anything that had gone before in the series. So we kicked off with a teaser email to prime the regular supporters for what was to come – unpacking the idea of Casa Talentos. This was followed by a further 8 emails.

The principle call-to-action for each was ‘watch the video of our latest episode for the current contestant but the emails contained multiple extra sign-posts/click-throughs to the further content… all driving donors to the landing page. An engaging mix of the serious and the more light-hearted designed to build the excitement and culminating with a results email and finally a ‘that’s a wrap’ message and encouragement to catch-up on the other two series of Between Lives.

The results

Results were measured through email open rates, click-through rates, and video engagement metrics… as well as further interaction….

Our work

Different Kettle

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nisl justo, iaculis tincidunt tincidunt at, malesuada at justo. Vestibulum nec nisl varius, venenatis lacus in, sollicitudin libero. Nulla facilisi. Praesent lectus lorem, porta sed congue ac, laoreet at odio. Praesent ac egestas mi, id ullamcorper.